How does it work?
We act as booking agent, planner, and coordinator for all things music to make the process as easy as possible. We bring together a unique combination of musical knowledge and wedding planning skills and experience, so that talented musicians can focus on doing what they do best (playing music), and wedding couples can feel at ease knowing that the planning and coordination of music for their day is in capable hands
Step 1: Pick an artist
Check out our selection of amazing artists, browse through their songlists and videos, and choose one that will suit the style and feel of your special day.
Step 2: Enquire about pricing and availability
We will get back to you as quickly as possible with availability and pricing for your preferred artists, answers to any questions, and some more information on how to book.
Step 3: Book it in
Once you've chosen your artist and package, we send through an invoice for the booking fee, a contract, and a questionnaire to lock your artist in for your date and the deal is sealed.
Step 4: Plan
We work alongside you and your other vendors to sort out all the finer details such as power requirements for your musician's gear, location moves, the timing of live sets that fit around your other formalities, song and playlist selection, etc.
Step 5: Get hitched!
Photo by Luke Middlemiss Photography